FAQ - iPickWinners.com


Sports Betting FAQ

What is a guaranteed pick?

A guaranteed pick is not literally guaranteed. In the betting world, a guaranteed pick is known as a pick that is highly recommended, and has a lower observed risk than a straight pick or parlay.

What is a parlay in betting?

A parlay is a selection of 2 or more picks rallied into 1 betting card to provide a higher payout. There is an increased risk since all picks are required to hit as opposed to betting the picks individually.

How do you place a bet online?

There are many different betting platforms available depending on your location. We highly recommend Fanduel and ___. We do not receive any compensation for you betting on these platforms, it is just what we genuinely recommend.

What does the iPickWinners membership include?

Once you create your account for your iPickWinners membership, you will receive our 3 highest graded picks weekly and BIG discounts on our other premium picks and packages!

How often do you win?

At iPickWinners, we have been winning at a 68% clip consecutively for the past 5 years in a row.

What sports do you bet on?

At iPickWinners, we place bets on a wide variety of sports including NBA, NFL, NHL, soccer, NASCAR, tennis, MMA, boxing, golf, and MLB picks.

Do you have a free membership option?

If you do not want to pay a fee for a membership, you can create a free account today to get free picks and access to buy our premium picks and packages. Or if you just want to try out our membership, you will get a 7-Day Free Trial on our premium membership.